Improve learning and problem solving
Our work addresses foundational underpinnings responsible for challenges our clients have with learning. We do not provide academic tutoring but rather aim to get underneath difficulties by assessing and treating sensory, perceptual and cognitive skills to improve speech, listening, thinking, reading, and writing. We provide monitored, growth-oriented practice vs. continuing to stress the very system that is weak.
Auditory and Visual Processing Programs
Auditory- and Visual-based programs for people with difficulty regulating attention, concentration, and memory, or with other information processing, reading or learning difficulties, emotional or behavioral problems, or delays in speech and language development.
NeuroNet is a learning readiness program that helps students become independent learners.
Interactive Metronome Program (IM)
Interactive Metronome Program (IM) provides a focused and systematic way to exercise motor planning and sequencing capacities within the brain.
EEG Neurofeedback Training
EEG Neurofeedback Training assists individuals with attention regulating disorders, with or without hyperactivity; auditory processing disorders, learning disabilities; cognitive deficits; and speech and language disorders.
Structure of the Intellect Multiple Intelligence’s Assessment and Training Programs
Structure of the Intellect examines underlying reading, math and other areas requiring problem solving, memory, logical and creative thinking and evaluation of information.
Captain’s Log Cognitive Rehabilitation Program
Captain’s Log Cognitive Rehabilitation Program aims to restore impaired cognitive functioning of individuals with attention deficit, memory deficits, learning disability or brain injury.
Bio-tuning, brain entrainment, binaural beats and other bio-acoustic methodologies use precisely tuned sound frequencies and other stress-reducing, attention-riveting biofeedback strategies.